Types of Liquor Licensing in New South Wales, Pt. 1 | RSA Online NSW

Starting a hospitality business in NSW can be quite an endeavour. Among the requirements for most hospitality businesses is obtaining a liquor licence. In New South Wales, there are a number of licences available that are intended for specific businesses. In this article, we’ll run through the different types of licences and what each licence entails regarding the responsible service of alcohol.

Producer/Wholesaler Licence

The Producer/Wholesaler Licence is a licence that allows liquor producers and wholesalers to sell wholesale liquor to other licensees.

Liquor makers such as breweries and distilleries can also conduct tastings, sell their products by retail at industry shows and farmers’ markets, and sell the product by retail to the general public via online or direct sale from licensed premises with relevant development consent. On the other hand, wholesalers don’t qualify as producers and are only permitted to sell liquor wholesale to businesses or individuals with a liquor licence, such as restaurants, bottle shops and pubs.

On-Premises Licence

The On-Premises Licence permits the service of alcohol to be consumed within the premises of a given venue, with the inclusion of another product or service such as food or entertainment. Businesses that intend to sell or supply alcohol exclusive of any other service or product are not eligible for on-premises licences. Types of businesses eligible for this licence include and are not limited to: restaurants, cafes, catering services, sporting facilities, function centres, karaoke venues and nightclubs.

BYO (Bring Your Own) Restaurants

Both licensed and BYO restaurant operators are responsible for minimising liquor abuse in the way liquor is served and consumed within their premises. BYO restaurants aren’t obligated to obtain a licence, under the Liquor Act 2007, but they must ensure that their venue adheres to certain trading provisions, as detailed by the Department of Industry under the Liquor & Gaming regulations.

Licences for Surf Clubs

Surf clubs have two types of licences that apply for their venues: the limited licence (multi-function) and the on-premises licence. The limited licence (multi-function) allows the sale and service of alcohol at club functions approved by the Liquor & Gaming NSW for a limited number of times per 12-month period, during trading hours as determined by the Liquor & Gaming NSW. A surf club may apply for a regular on-premises licence as well, with the stipulation that the surf club cannot operate as a bar. Trading hours for the regular on-premises licence will be determined by the Liquor & Gaming NSW as well.

These are just some the licences available for business owners intending to serve alcohol either within the premises of their place of business or through limited events. All licences come with their own specific requirements, which may be looked up through the Liquor & Gaming NSW website. There may also be requirements for the servers. Correctly identifying the right licence appropriate for your business ensures a smooth and above-board conduct of commerce – be sure to check if your chosen licence is the correct one for you.

To learn RSA Online NSW and be able to legally serve alcohol in venues across the state, enrol at CTA Training Specialists (Club Training Australia) today!

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