Food Safety Supervisor QLD: The Course Outline

Getting into the food industry includes specific requirements in Australia, particularly in Queensland. One requirement is the hiring or appointment of a Food Safety Supervisor QLD, a Nationally Recognised Training Course that is offered nationwide via CTA’s online training portal.

The Food Safety Supervisor role covers the responsibilities of a food business with regards to the safety and hygiene of both its employees and product. The Food Safety Supervisor role – also known as the FSS – requires training and certification that can be attained through Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). RTOs can be found all over the state, and many of them offer the FSS training courses and certification through both face-to-face and online delivery options.

So what are the responsibilities of a Food Safety Supervisor? Simply read on to find out more.

Understand the legal obligations of food handlers under current legislation

Food safety legislation, ideally, should be uniform across the country. However, this is not the case in Australia, where the territories and states have different laws and regulations that govern how food safety is handled. In this case, it is the responsibility of the Food Safety Supervisor to be aware of the existing legislation as it pertains to their area of business.

The Food Safety Supervisor training course covers these issues with the course material updated as required. It is advisable for appointed Food Safety Supervisors to refresh their knowledge base by retaking their FSS course regularly.

Learn the proper ways of food handling and storage

Incorrect food handling and storage are, generally speaking, the main culprits of most food-related sicknesses. For example, poor handling of foodstuffs can lead to contamination, which can lead to food poisoning.

The Food Safety Supervisor’s responsibility, in these situations, is to ensure that all employees involved in the handling and service of food are aware of how to properly conduct the processes and procedures involved in food handling and storage.

This responsibility can include training employees on proper food storage practices or appropriate handling of utensils concerning food prep. The Food Safety Supervisor must be reasonably available during business hours for any potential enquiries about these practices, as well.

With regards to businesses that serve a large amount of food daily, more than one Food Safety Supervisor may be needed to be appointed.

Identify potential hygiene risks

Food hygiene is a critical aspect of food safety, and it is the Food Safety Supervisor’s responsibility to identify risks related to it. Through the Food Safety Supervisor training course, the appointed Food Safety Supervisor receives training in the appropriate identification of these risks.

Examples of these risks can include poor handwashing practices, improper disposal of single-use utensils and a lack of maintenance of food preparation stations. The Food Safety Supervisor is responsible for informing the employees and staff of a given food business about proper food hygiene, and should be capable of inspecting and identifying the potential risks present on the premises or venue of the food business.

These are some of the responsibilities of a Food Safety Supervisor. The FSS training courses offered by one’s chosen RTO should include lectures or training that cover these responsibilities adequately. Attain the Food Safety Supervisor training and certification today.

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