RSA Online Certificate: Things To Keep In Mind Before Talking To An Intoxicated Patron

We all know from our own personal experiences that it can be difficult to communicate with intoxicated patrons, as they struggle to focus and hold a conversation. This is one of the main reasons to complete the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Certification Course with CTA Training Specialists.

Before dealing with, and communicating with an intoxicated patron, there are some key steps to keep in mind which include:

  • Always show patience and respect to the person you are dealing with, no matter their level of intoxication
  • Think about what you are going to say before you speak
  • Speak loudly so that they are able to hear you clearly
  • Speak slowly. You may have to repeat yourself to ensure that the message has been received and understood
  • Use short uncomplicated sentences and language
  • Ask the patron only one question at a time, as too many questions can be confusing
  • Remember their personal space and be respectful of that
  • Ask questions if only necessary
  • Smile and keep a positive manner
  • Use friendly body language
  • Check that they understand what you are saying

Intoxicated patrons can be difficult to communicate with, but using and implementing the above methods can make this easier. Always keep in mind that the person you are dealing with is a customer and deserves respect; no matter the circumstances.

Also, bear in mind that intoxicated persons can become aggravated quickly, so maintain a calm and positive attitude to ensure that the patron feels comfortable.

If you want to learn more about how to deal with intoxicated persons and effectively managing your patrons’ behaviour in your venue, enrol in our RSA Online Certificate.  If you are a venue manager, you may be required to do an RMLV course.