RSA Online: Alcohol Laws in Western Australia

RSA Online | In Western Australia, the consumption, supply, distribution, and sale of alcohol is overseen and modulated by the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 and more so by the Liquor Control Act 1988. Both these laws are administered by the Department of Racing, Gaming, and Liquor. The law requires individuals who serve alcohol must attain the RSA Certificate

The Liquor Control Act 1988 (formerly Liquor Licensing Act 1988) from the Western Australian state is an act that regulates the sale, supply, and consumption of liquor, the use of premises on which alcohol is sold and the services and facilities provided in conjunction with or ancillary to the sale of liquor. The law is also to minimise harm or ill health caused to people due to the use of alcohol, and to provide for orders that may prohibit persons from being employed at, or from entering, licensed premises. The act wholly repeals the Liquor Act of 1970.

On the other hand, the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 is a more detailed accounting and explanation of everything related to the aspects of regulation in the sale, supply, and distribution of liquor, including the clarification of terms and specific categorisation of types of liquor, methods of sale, licensed hospitality premises, etc.

Up to 1970, the set drinking age in Western Australia was 21. At present, it has been set at 18 according to the Liquor Control Act 1988. Thus, it is illegal for any person under the age of 18 years to drink, purchase, or supply alcohol if they are inside a licensed or regulated establishment. This is even if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. It is also an offence in Western Australia for persons regardless of age to consume alcohol in public, such as inside a hired vehicle, at the beach, park, or on the street (even if it is in front of one’s own house, without first obtaining a permit from the appropriate local government authority.

Liquor permits for open public consumption are at the discretion of the local council, though some public events have a total ban on public drinking.

For identification purposes in Western Australia, only the following are legally accepted for proof-of-age in licensed premises:

  • Current Australia-issued driver’s licence
  • Current Western Australian learner driver’s permit
  • Current Australian or foreign passport
  • Current Key Pass Card
  • Current Photo Card issued by the Department of Transport in Western Australia
  • Proof-of-age card issued by any Australian state or territory government

As a critical requirement of the Liquor Control Act, everyone working in the hospitality industry in Western Australia is required to have a Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate (RSA online). This RSA online is a requirement for all bar staff, managers, and licensees who must be formally trained in responsible service.

The formal training courses provide staff members with essential skills such as:

  • Information relating to facts and myths about alcohol
  • The effects of excessive alcohol intake
  • Determining a standard drink
  • Options to assist customers in drinking within appropriate limits
  • How to refuse service to an intoxicated patron
  • Dealing with difficult patrons and conflict situations

If you need to know more about formal training in obtaining a Responsible Service of Alcohol online certificate, get in touch with CTA Training Specialists (formerly Club Training Australia) here.

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