New avenues for learning online have opened up due to faster internet connections and video-conferencing advancements. There is a growing demand for alternative learning options, which have brought on the rise of enrolment in online classes. To that end, online short courses Australia offers alternatives for learners by moving from the physical classroom delivery to online courses and webinars, conveniently providing alternatives to the learner.
Because of the increase in learners opting for online classes, several nationally recognised training courses, like the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA), Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG), and Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) are now also offered via online delivery through Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) like CTA Training Specialists. These training courses, and their associated certifications, are also required for persons looking to find work in the liquor, gaming and food industries.
There are benefits to attending hospitality classes via online delivery. Here are some of the more common ones:
One of the advantages of taking up online classes is the variety of classes available. Whether it’s a four-year academic course or a short, 1-day training course, online courses offer a wide selection for learners, making it easy for learners to find the classes they want or need and attend the training courses from the convenience of their homes.
On the whole, most online classes are considerably less costly compared to the traditional classroom setting. While online classroom courses may cost roughly the same as the physical classroom courses, the associated costs are much less. There are no transportation, lodging, or meal expenses to account for, as an example. Learning materials such as textbooks and manuals can also be made available digitally, which comes at a lesser or no cost to the learner.
A prominent benefit to online training is accessibility. Because classes are conducted online, learners don’t need to leave their homes and can take their course comfortably. This is particularly appealing for learners with disabilities, as their limitations present concerns that would arise in a more traditional learning setting. One of these concerns is mobility; some learners may need wheelchairs or guides, or have visual or auditory impairments. Online classes remove the need to leave one’s home to attend classes, which can greatly improve the quality of learning of someone with a disability.
One concern about traditional classes is the inflexibility present in its scheduling. The options available for learners tend to be limited to daytime or nighttime courses during weekdays, with few options for weekend classes, if they’re available. Online classes remove this inconvenience by allowing learners to take their courses at their convenience. Online courses also minimise scheduling conflicts with personal responsibilities, such as work and family obligations, by allowing learners to continue lessons at their own pace.
Say a professional currently working in a company wishes to continue their education in something non-work related. In a traditional setting, they may have to sacrifice their work to take their classes. With online courses, this risk is removed entirely. Courses can be completed from one’s home at a pace that’s compatible with the professional’s work schedule. As well, adult learners can continue learning about subject matter different from their current profession without risking their professional obligations.
These benefits are just some of the main advantages that come from online learning. Consider enrolling in an online course with CTA Training Specialists today!