You need to be aware of the responsible gambling information – RGS / RSG – that is available in your workplace to assist you when responding to patrons request for information.
It is important that you know where the following gambling information is located (if you are unsure where to locate any of the following information in your own venue, you should ask your Customer Liaison Officer (CLO):-
- Responsible Gambling Mission Statement
- Responsible Gambling House Policy
- Responsible Gambling Signage
- Nature of games and game rules
- Odds of winning or return to player (RTP)
- Exclusion Procedures
- Complaint resolution mechanisms
- Financial Transaction Policy
There may be times when you decide to refer a sensitive matter to someone else for their guidance or advice. In such cases, you would discuss the matter only with an appropriate person. You must respect the patron’s right to privacy and you would resist any temptation to discuss the matter in a frivolous manner with your co-workers. An appropriate person might include:-
- your venue’s Customer Liaison Officer (CLO)
- your supervisor or manager
When you intend to refer a very sensitive matter to another person, ensure you explain the reason for this to the patron and try to obtain their consent/agreement before doing so. You should also assure the patron that their identity can remain concealed if they wish.
Keep your RGS / RSG knowledge up-to-date to ensure that you are providing responsible service of gambling at your venue. Click here to find out more.