Hospitality Online Short Courses Australia: What to Look for in A Training Provider

What type of training provider should I choose when looking for online short courses Australia?


Now that you’ve decided to take a certain path in your career, you will find that online short courses Australia have a lot to offer, but how do you make sure that you’re in good hands and are completing a certificate through a trusted training provider?


Government-registered training organisation

Certificates such as RSA, RSG or Food Safety must be attained through training organisations that are registered and recognised by the government. They are audited regularly and accredited by the branch of the Federal Government, Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The Registered Training Organisation (RTO), displays a five-character number on their website. Look for a Nationally Recognised Training logo. You can also look for the provider’s Australian Business Number (ABN) on their site.


Will they let you down?

In case there are any problems regarding your course, the training provider will provide support and advise that their trainers are willing to work with you via phone or electronically.


Easy qualifications

Training providers differ in ways on how they produce Certificates and Statements of Attainment. Choose a provider that offers a one-day download for your certificate (available for RSA and RSG) but please remember that this only applies to certain courses.


Are they asking for physical identification?

Some courses require physical identification; many RTOs will ask you for one. Make sure that you read the identification process for the course you are completing and find a training provider that uses online-automated identification to avoid the delay.


Does the training provider have local support?

Consider asking the training organisation a question via email or social media and see how long they take to respond.


Visit a training organisation that is well-recognised by the government. Check online short courses Australia and choose the one that will give you the best service.

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