Features of A Safe and Supportive Gambling Venue | RGS / RSG

A safe and supportive gambling environment involves establishing links with your local Gambling Help Service, and enlisting their professional advice and services. RGS / RSG staff should be able to readily provide responsible gambling information to patrons. Management should be supporting the responsible gambling role of the Customer Liaison Officer (CLO), and similar roles performed by other venue staff.


The Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice has outlined the following nine (9) key areas and best practices to ensure that the physical environment of a gambling venue is safe for patrons, and supports responsible gambling:

  1. Minors prohibited
    Minors are prohibited from gambling.
  2. Minors excluded
    Minors are prohibited from designated gambling areas.
  3. Hospitality services
    Provision of hospitality services in areas where gambling is provided is managed in such a way as to encourage customers to take breaks in play.
  4. Unduly intoxicated customers
    Customers who are unduly intoxicated are not permitted to continue gambling.
  5. Child care and play areas
    Where child play areas are provided, best efforts should be made to minimise exposure to areas where gambling activities are conducted. Where gambling providers offer adjunct child care, these facilities must provide safe and suitable standards of care in accordance with relevant child care legislation.
  6. Gratuities
    Staff working in gambling areas are not to encourage gambling customers to give them gratuities.
  7. Passage of time
    Gambling providers implement practices to ensure that customers are made aware of the passage of time.
  8. Breaks in play
    Gambling providers implement practices to ensure that customers are discouraged from participating in extended, intensive and repetitive play.
  9. New gambling products and services
    Prior to the introduction of relevant new gambling products and services, including those which make use of emerging technology, consideration should be given as to the potential impact of the technology on responsible gambling behaviours.


A gambling venue should have developed a financial transactions policy which documents key issues, such as how cheques are cashed and how winnings are paid.


RSG staff should make this policy available, on request, to patrons and ensure this fact be displayed in the venue. Find out more about RGS / RSG courses here.

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