Are your students starting to look for part-time jobs? Hospitality is a right of passage when we first start out and our courses will give your kids the diverse range of up-to-date professional and technical skills they need to stand out from the crowd in a busy employment market. 

Check out our great value courses below and don’t forget that we visit schools for group training too!

The CTA team and I look forward to working with you. 

Online Courses for Individual Students

With our short online hospitality courses on their resume, employers are sure to notice your students.

Get all courses at a 20% discount ($20 each)! 

Help your students get ahead in the current job market with our short online hospitality courses! 

We are currently offering some great courses at just $20 each

Be sure to pass these savings along.

Use the Code: ptp01

Courses for Groups and Classrooms

Did you know that we can offer face-to-face and online learning for school groups? That’s right, if you have a group of students looking to get into the workforce part-time, we have the ability to scale up our training and give you great school rates! Contact us about your group student needs and we’ll get in touch to discuss a tailored solution. 


If you want to chat now, give us a call on 07 3878 8977